Types of People at the Movie Theatres

I find movies exceptionally powerful. They can influence and inspire you. I  love going to the movie theatres. The whole experience is simply amazing.

I caught a movie at the theatre last night and I realized that every time I go there I notice certain kinds of people who can’t really be categorized as the best company to enjoy a movie with. If you keep going to the movie theatres too then you’ve definitely come across one of these types of people.

The late comer.

This person reaches after the movie starts and since it’s dark the ushers have to guide him with their flashlight. Chances are that they suck at finding their seats so they just stand there  blocking your view.

The snack bag.

In the theatres, you have amazing digital surround sound. You also have snack bags. You can hear them chew, munch and slurp throughout the movie.

The texter.

The light from their phone screen is distracting. I understand if you’re checking your phone once or twice during the movie but doing that constantly just annoys other people.

The phone-zoned.

Normal people go to the movies to watch the movies but it seems like these people go to the movies to have long unnecessary conversations over the phone.

The question bank.

If only they spent less time asking questions and more time concentrating on the movie, the world would be a better place.

So there’s that. The types of people you don’t want to run into but you will because that’s just how it is. The key is to ignore and enjoy.

Other than that, have a great time at the movies!

Find me on Twitter at @SimranPArora.

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